Friday, May 23, 2008


So while I am in reality taking a trip to Ecuador, some of my comedic friends believe that I am indeed going to a galaxy far, far away...
It made me laugh but I doubt seriously that I will run into any Ewoks in Ecuador.

Hawn & Friends

Last weekend I went to Hawn State Park in Missouri and did a late day Saturday hike in to camp at the southernmost point on the south loop. For various reasons, I went alone but I really needed the getaway from work, school, and home just to experience nature and relax. The weekend did not go as planned but worked out well in the end.

Hiking in beautiful weather with no adverse weather conditions shown on the radar or on television... who would have expected that it would rain all night.

Hiking on beautiful, well-maintained trails...who would have expected to be attacked by a family of ticks. (none attached...just on the clothes)

Hiking alone....who would have expected to spend 1.5 hours talking to new friends.

I met some really nice guys who do adventure racing. Check out their site:

I will put up some pictures soon!

School Craziness

So if taking one summer class is not enough, I found out that I may not get into a fall class and need to take a 2 week intensive summer course...while I am taking a three week intensive education course...AND preparing for my trip to Ecuador. I think that I may be biting off more than I can chew, but that seems to be normal right now.

The good news is that I have continued to do well in school, achieving high marks in my classes, and am still on track to graduate (again) this coming May '09. Here is to hoping that Ecuador may be a little vacation and not just a study trip...

Thank goodness I went backcountry camping last week.